"A Room to Live In" was a culmination of all of the art principles I had learned in college, all stored in an apartment-like installation in the List Art Center at Brown University. Here, I wanted to explore the relationship between masculine woodworking principles and feminine craft practices, ultimately queering both processes. I challenged my own identity and took into consideration what kind of spaces provide comfort or discomfort.

For casual viewing, keep scrolling down. For a video walk-through of the space, click here. For the official presentation slides and notes, click here.

"A Room to Live In" doorway view.

"A Room to Live In" doorway view.

"A Room to Live In" detail, living room couch.

"A Room to Live In" detail, living room couch.

"A Room to Live In" detail, tv and chair.

"A Room to Live In" detail, tv and chair.

"A Room to Live In" detail, bedroom.

"A Room to Live In" detail, bedroom.

"A Room to Live In" corner view.

"A Room to Live In" corner view.

"A Room to Live In" detail, window.

"A Room to Live In" detail, window.

"A Room to Live In" detail, closet.

"A Room to Live In" detail, closet.

"A Room to Live In" detail, reading nook.

"A Room to Live In" detail, reading nook.
